
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Smile your destiny

Today I felt sick a little bit.In fact my tonsils' emotions felt like they will be sick.Waking up early in the morning makes us refresh but ıt didnt become as I thought.It is not a lie to say that I didnt start to get good day.First I noticed that I forgat my formal paper at office.Then I went to take it but ı could not.I was scavenger.At that time Suzanna was looking at scavenger volunteer girl:) I know that this was dirty but this was the only way which ı should have done also.Finally she gave new one.

Towards the end of the day I found one article about bureaucracy.Because ı was making an effort to find my bureaucratic paper.I want to quote

How can you overcome bureaucracy?

!)Strong psychology:Before starting procedure,you should both consider abrasive effects of progressive circumstances and start with strong psychology

!)Allow time.Bureaucratic procedure can hold over unexpectedly. Because of this you should venture half of day.Choose early hours in the morning

!)İnvestigate:You have an İnternet at hand.Be interested in website of foundation about necessary documents.

!)Apperance:Try to wear formally while you go bureaucratic foundation.It is effective

!)Arrangement of document:Put your documents in a file regularly.Show your documents before they ask.

!)Personnel:Personnel who control bureaucracy are in the same situation as you.Absolutely he/she has similar experiences.

!)Again time:Probably There are a lot of people after you.Respect people queued and say your demands.

!)Control your temper:Be ready as you want,missing parts will exist.Do not be upset.Be calm.Listen
properly.Everything become perfect when you come one more.

!)Last thing is criticism:Of course you will have comments about details of procedure.Dont say this before procedure and during procedure,atmosphere can be stressed unnecessarily.But nothing should not stick in your mind.After procedure dont neglect your comments.

Of course after this article I commented myself.I found my deficiency.After all ı had a smile

Finally ı met somethings to eat.I like shopping like everbody especially chocolate section.İn my opinion,one piece of chocolate puts a smile on your face.

Today ı admired energy of children in organisation.They really colour life.Although rainy weather and this world (ıf you think wars,starvation,poorness etc.) they always smile.Whereas we grow,we lose our smile.
We have one little boy.Even if ı feel minus 10,he can upgrade my feelings 100.This is the only smile

Smile your destiny.Dont be offended your life